"; //ONLINE $ebk = substr($bk,'7'); $e = explode(".",$ebk); //OFFLINE /*$ebk = substr($bk,'17'); $e = explode("/",$ebk);*/ if($e[0]=="www") //USE 2ND ELEMENT AS URL STARTS WITH WWW. { $tmp = $e[1]; } else //USE 1ST ELEMENT AS URL STARTS WITH THE DOMAIN NAME. { $tmp = $e[0]; } //print "Extension:".$tmp."
"; $pos = strpos($ebk,'/clinic'); //print $pos; if($pos!='') get_banner('clinic'); else get_banner($tmp); //print $_POST['bk']; if($_SESSION['goto']=='') { if($_GET['goto']!='') $_SESSION['goto']=$_GET['goto']; else $_SESSION['goto']=$_POST['goto']; } //print "email: ".$_POST['frlht_id']; //print "
Goto: ".$_SESSION['goto']; ?> start(); ?> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: vaidya.ganga@frlht.org\r\n"; $to = "vaidya.ganga@frlht.org"; //$to = "itspriyajoshi@yahoo.com"; $body = "Dr.GG,"; //$body .= "\n".$_POST['fname']." seeks an appointment for '".$_SESSION['query_text']."' on ".$_SESSION['app_date'].; $body .= "\n\nRegards, webmaster@amruthayurveda.org"; //print $to."
"; //mail ( to,subject,message,additional_headers ,additional_parameters) @mail($to,'Clinic Appointment',$body, $headers); //THANK YOU MESSAGE print ""; print ""; print ""; unset($_SESSION['qid']); unset($_SESSION['goto']); exit; } else if($_SESSION['goto']=='query') { $bk=stripslashes($_POST['bk']); $qr="update userquery set user_id='$user_id' where q_id='".$_SESSION['qid']."'"; mysql_query($qr); $qr="update userquery set loginid='".$_POST['loginid']."' where q_id='".$_SESSION['qid']."'"; mysql_query($qr); //IF IT IS A QUERY, SEND THE QUERY AS MAIL TO AJITH $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: WebMaster \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: envis@frlht.org\r\n"; $to = " envis@frlht.org"; //$to = "itspriyajoshi@gmail.com"; $body = "Dear Webmaster,"; $body .= "\n\n' ".$_POST['loginid']." ' Posted the following query"; $body .= "\n\n Subject: ".$_SESSION['qsub']; $body .= "\n\n Query: ".$_SESSION['qtext']; //print $to."
"; //mail ( to,subject,message,additional_headers ,additional_parameters) @mail($to,'Envis Query ID '.$_SESSION['qid'].'- Subject:'.$_SESSION['qsub'],$body, $headers); //print "($to,'Envis Query ID '.$_SESSION['qid'].'- Subject:'.$_SESSION['qsub'],$body, $headers)"; //THANK YOU MESSAGE print "
Thank you for visiting us..
We will get back to you regarding your appointment with the expert..
"; print ""; print ""; unset($_SESSION['qid']); unset($_SESSION['goto']); exit; } else if($_SESSION['goto']!='query') { //MESSAGE ON SCREEN print "
Thanks for your Registration. Mail has been sent to you.
Please Click confirm link in your mail to activate your account."; print "

"; //MESSAGE IN THE MAIL $mailbody="Dear ".$_POST['fname']." ".$_POST['lname'].", \nThanks for Your Registration with FRLHT. \n Please Click on the link below to confirm you registration.\n"; $mailbody=$mailbody." Confirm "; //OFF LINE /*$mailbody=$mailbody."

If the above link does not work,
  1. Your Authentication code is : \"$utime\"
  2. Visit us at \"http://localhost/query_form/auth_user.php?goto=".$_SESSION['goto']."\" and paste your authentication code and login id for confirmation.
";*/ //ON LINE $mailbody=$mailbody."

If the above link does not work,
  1. Your Authentication code is : \"$utime\"
  2. Visit us at \"http://frlht.org/query_form/auth_user.php?goto=".$_SESSION['goto']."\" and paste your authentication code and login id for confirmation.
"; //print $mailbody; print "

"; unset($_SESSION['goto']); } elseif($_SESSION['goto']=='envis') { unset($_SESSION['goto']); @header("location:../envis_temp/"); } elseif($_SESSION['goto']=='query') { unset($_SESSION['goto']); @header("location:../envis_temp/"); } elseif($_SESSION['goto']=='faq') { unset($_SESSION['goto']); @header("location:../faq/view_faq.php"); } elseif($_SESSION['goto']=='clinic') { unset($_SESSION['goto']); @header("location:../faq/view_faq.php"); } @mail($bemail,'Registration Confirmation with FRLHT',$mailbody,'From:admin@frlht.org'); exit; } elseif($_POST['submit'] == "Proceed") { $bk=stripslashes($_POST['bk']); //IF USER IS POSTING A QUERY if($_SESSION['goto']=='query') { $user_id=fetch_me("user","user_id","email",$_POST['frlht_id']); $qr=mysql_query("update userquery set user_id='$user_id' where q_id='".$_SESSION['qid']."'"); $qr=mysql_query("update userquery set loginid='".$_POST['frlht_id']."' where q_id='".$_SESSION['qid']."'"); //IF IT IS A QUERY, SEND THE QUERY AS MAIL TO AJITH $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: WebMaster \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: envis@frlht.org\r\n"; $to = " envis@frlht.org"; //$to = "itspriyajoshi@gmail.com"; $body = "Dear, Webmaster,"; $body .= "\n\n' ".$_POST['frlht_id']." ' Posted the following query"; $body .= "\n\n Subject: ".$_SESSION['qsub']; $body .= "\n\n Query: ".$_SESSION['qtext']; //print $to."
"; //mail ( to,subject,message,additional_headers ,additional_parameters) @mail($to,'Envis Query ID '.$_SESSION['qid'].'- Subject:'.$_SESSION['qsub'],$body, $headers); //print "($to,'Envis Query ID '.$_SESSION['qid'].'- Subject:'.$_SESSION['qsub'],$body, $headers)"; } //IF USER IS SEEKING AN APPOINTMENT elseif($_SESSION['goto']=='clinic') { //GET USER NAME $uname=fetch_me("user","fname","frlht_id",$_POST['frlht_id']); //IF IT IS AN APPOINTMENT FOR CLINIC, SEND A MAIL TO DR.GG $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: WebMaster \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: vaidya.ganga@frlht.org\r\n"; $to = "vaidya.ganga@frlht.org"; //$to = "itspriyajoshi@yahoo.com"; $body = "Dr.GG,"; $body .= "\n".$uname." seeks an appointment for ".$_SESSION['query_text']." on ".$_SESSION['app_date']; $body .= "\nRegards, webmaster@amruthayurveda.org"; //print $to."
"; //mail ( to,subject,message,additional_headers ,additional_parameters) @mail($to,'Clinic Appointment',$body, $headers); } //THANK YOU MESSAGE print "
Thank you for visiting us..
We will get back to you with an answer to your query..
"; print ""; print ""; unset($_SESSION['goto']); exit; } if($_SESSION['goto']=='query' || $_SESSION['goto']=='clinic') { //FRLHT_ID print "
Thank you for visiting us..
"; print "BACK
"; print ""; print ""; print "
If you have registered with FRLHT, please provide your FRLHT ID i.e. your Email
FRLHT ID (Email address) : "; $curform->displaytext('frlht_id','',50,60,1); print "
"; $curform->displaysubmit("Proceed","submit"); print "

"; $msg="If not, Please provide few details for our reference"; //unset($_SESSION['goto']); } else {$msg="New User Registration "; //unset($_SESSION['goto']); } print ""; print ""; //FNAME print ""; //REGISTER print ""; $curform->displayhidden("mail",$_POST['email']); $curform->displayhidden("goto",$_SESSION['goto']); if($_GET['bk']=="") $bkk=stripslashes($_POST['bk']); else $bkk=stripslashes($_GET['bk']); $curform->displayhidden("bk",$bkk); print"
Name"; $curform->displaytext('fname','',50,100,1); //ADDRESS print "
Address"; $curform->displaytextarea('address','',64,3,1,1); //CITY print "
City"; $curform->displaytext('city','',30,100,1); //PINCODE print "Pincode"; $curform->displaytext('pincode','',30,6,0); //STATE print "
State"; $curform->displaytext('state','',30,100,1); //COUNTRY /*---For the time being, take the country list from the Store Database---*/ mysql_select_db("frlht1") or die("Could not open this database"); $cou=array(); $sqlSelectCountry="SELECT * FROM country"; $rsSelectCountry=mysql_query($sqlSelectCountry, $link); while($ArrSelectCountry=mysql_fetch_array($rsSelectCountry)) { $CountryName=$ArrSelectCountry['Country']; $cou[$CountryName]=$CountryName; } mysql_free_result($rsSelectCountry); mysql_select_db("frlhtu"); print "Countries"; $curform->displayselect('country',$cou,'','1','','--select--','0'); //GENDER $gender=array(""=>"--Select--","Female"=>"Female","Male"=>"Male"); print "
Gender"; $curform->displayselect('gender',$gender,'','0','','','',''); //PROFESSION $prof_list=get_list_data("profession","prof_id",array('prof_name'),'','SELECT prof_name, prof_id FROM profession ORDER BY prof_name'); print "Profession"; $curform->displayselect('prof_id',$prof_list,'','','','--SELECT--','0'); //PHONE print "
Phone"; $curform->displaytext('phone','',30,100,1); //D O B print "Date of Birth "; $curform->displayselect('bday',$mydays,$cat_id,'0','','','',''); print "-"; $curform->displayselect('bmonth',$Months,$cat_id,'0','','','',''); print "-"; $curform->displayselect('byear',$myyear,$cat_id,'0','','','',''); //EMAIL print "
Email"; $curform->displaytext('email','',30,100,1,'onBlur=emailid()'); //FRLHT ID print "FRLHT Id"; $curform->displaytext('loginid','',30,100,1,readonly); //PASSWORD print "
Password"; $curform->displayPassword('pass','',30,100,1); print "Confirm
"; $curform->displayPassword('cpass','',30,100,1); print "
"; $curform->displaysubmit("Register","submit"); print "
"; $curform->end(); print ""; ?>