Demand and Supply of Medicinal Plants in India
About this Book
Sustained supplies of authentic and quality plant material, so critical to feed the fast growing herbal-based industry, need a well-considered strategy for management of plant resources. However, the inadequacy of reliable information about the species-wise consumption and supply of medicinal plants has been the biggest lacuna in prioritisation of species for management and designing of the required management interventions.
The “Demand and Supply of Medicinal Plants in India”, based on a nation-wide study on the consumption and sourcing of medicinal plants, seeks to fill this information gap. The total annual demand of botanical raw drugs in the country for the year 2005-06 has been estimated as 3,19,000 MT with corresponding trade value of Rs. 1,069 crores. The publication contains a check-list of 960 medicinal plant species, which form source of 1289 botanicals recorded in trade. Of these 960 species, 178 species have been identified for priority management action due to their high annual demand to meet needs of domestic herbal industry, rural households and exports. Supply position of the traded species has been looked into and source-wise lists of the 178 species in high trade have also been provided for focused action. Recommendations for improving the status of medicinal plant resources in the country have also been provided.
The text is laced with graphic presentation of results and provides substantial supporting information in the form of boxes. The book attempts to provide with reliable data in a consolidated manner and may be very useful for planners and policy makers for management and holistic development of medicinal plant sector.
Ved D.K & G. S Goraya (2008), Demand and Supply of Medicinal Plants in India, Bishen Singh, Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun & FRLHT, Bangalore, India.