start(); print "
"; print ""; print ""; ?> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To:\r\n"; $body="Dear $q->fname $q->lname,

"; $body.="Your login information is as follows:

"; $body.="Login id: ".$_POST['email_id']."
"; $body.="Password: $q->pass
"; $body.="
Please LOGIN to proceed further"; $body.="
"; $body.="FRLHT Informatics Team
"; //mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]]) @mail($to,'Your Login Details',$body,$headers); /* end mail */ print "
".$body; print "
"; } else { print ""; } } else { print "
"; //

A mail has been sent to you. Click here to continue.

Please Make sure if you are registered user..Click here to continue.
Enter your Email address, we shall restore your password via email.

"; print "
Email Address"; print " "; $curform->displaytext("email_id",'',35,50,0); print "

"; $curform->displaySubmit('Submit','submit'); } print "
"; $curform->end(); ?>