Symplocos racemosa ROXB.

Symplocos racemosa Roxb.

S. beddomei C.B.Clarke

S. candolleana Brand




Vernacular names:

Hindi             - Lodh

Kannada        - Bala doddli, Lodhra

Malayalam      - Pachotti

Marathi         - Lodhra

Sanskrit         - Rodhra

Tamil            - Vel/i/athi

Telugu          - Lodduga


Threat status:

Vulnerable (A 1 c,d) - KA

Data Deficient - KL

Lower Risk near threatened - TN


Habit: Tree


Habitat: Semi-evergreen to shola forests


Altitude: 700 - 2200 m


Distribution: Global: South and southeast Asia. National: Western peninsular India, northeastern states (Assam and Megalaya). Regional: Common in high altitude wet forests of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.


Description: Medium sized trees, 10-15 m tall, about 1 m girth. Branchlets hairless. Leaves alternate, elliptic-oblong, 8-15 x 3-6 em, base wedge-shaped to rounded, apex acute to acuminate, margin toothed with rounded to saw-like teeth, obscurely recurved, papery, hairless, distinctly stalked; lateral nerves 8-11 pairs. Flowers bisexual, shortly stalked, in 6-17 cm long axillary racemes, about 1 cm across, white with pink tinge, fragrant. Drupes ellipsoid to ovoid, about 1.5 x 0.6 em, hairless, ripening dark blue, turning yellow when dry. Seeds 1-2, oblong.


Phenology: Flowering: October to December; Fruiting: January to May


Medicinal uses: Stem bark is used to treat haemorrhage, acne and pimples, leucorrhea, wounds, skin disorders, plant poisons, ascites, hoarseness of voice, fever, menstrual disorders, liver diseases, menorrhagia, bowel complaints, ulcers and to give firmness to spongy and bleeding gums.


Trade information: Local, regional and national. Bark traded as Lodha/ Pathaani lodha/ Lodhar at Rs.15 to 40/Kg. (Market Studies, 1999-2000). Stem bark of S. crataegoides and S. cochinchinensis subsp. laurina used as substitutes.


Mode of propagation: By seeds and stem cuttings


Special characters: Fragrant white flowers and attractive blue fruits are distinguishing characters.


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