Salacia reticulata WIGHT

Salacia reticulata Wight



Vernacular names:

    Kannada             - Ekanayakam

      Malayalam           - Ekanayakam, Ponkoranti

      Sanskrit              - Vairi, Ekanayakam

    Tamil                 - Ekanayakam, Ponkoranti, Koranti

    Telugu               - Anukudu chettu


Threat status:

Endangered (A 1 c,d) - KA

Data Deficient - KL

Not Evaluated - TN


Habit: Large scan dent shrub


Habitat: Coastal to evergreen forests


Altitude: Sea level to 1000 m


Distribution: Global: Southern India and Sri Lanka. National: Karnataka, Kerala and southern Orissa. Regional: In Karnataka, rare in semi-evergreen forests of Western Ghats. In Kerala, reported from the coastal forests of Kollam, Western Ghats of Pathanamthitta and Idukki districts. Not reported from Tamil Nadu.


Description: A large, straggling, woody shrub with dichotomous branching. Bark smooth, greenish grey, thin, white inside. Young branchlets hairless, dark green, cylindrical, occasionally lenticellate. Leaves opposite, elliptic-oblong, 6-12 x 3-6 cm, base acute, apex abruptly acuminate, margin toothed with minute rounded teeth, leathery, hairless, shiny; lateral nerves about 7 pairs, prominent beneath; leaf hairless, shiny; lateral nerves about 7 pairs, prominent beneath; leaf stalks 5-10 mm long, green. Flowers bisexual, 2-8 clustered in leaf axils, about 5 mm across, stalked, greenish white or greenish yellow. Drupes globose, 3-6 cm across, tuberculate, pinkish orange when ripe. Seeds 1-4, almond­like.


Phenology: Flowering: February to April; Fruiting: April to August


. Medicinal uses: Roots are used for the treatment of diabetes, bleeding piles, gonorrhea, inflammation, leucorrhoea, leprosy, skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, indigestion, flatulence, colic and spermatorrhoea.


Trade information: Local and regional. The root bark is sold under the name Ekanaayakam / Ponkorandi at Rs. 7 .50 to 12/Kg. (Kerala, 1999).


Mode of propagation: By seeds


Special characters: The dichotomous branches and attractive lemon­like pinkish orange fruits with tuberculate surface are striking characters.


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