Schrebera swietenioides ROXB.

Schrebera swietenioides Roxb.



Vernacular names:

Hindi             - Moka, Banpalas

Kannada        - Mogalinga mara, Gante

Malayalam     - Mala plasu

Marathi         - Mokadi, Nakti

Sanskrit        - Muskakah

Tamil            - Magalinga maram, Pasarai

Telugu          - Magalinga, Makkam, Tondamukkudi


Threat status:

Vulnerable (A 1 c) - KA

Data Deficient - KL & TN


Habit: Tree


Habitat: Mixed deciduous forests


Altitude: 500 - 1000 m


Distribution: Global: Peninsular India, tropical Himalayas and Myanmar. National: Occurs throughout India especially in the drier zones. Regional: In Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, common in deciduous forests of lower altitudes. In Kerala, restricted to Cannanore.


Description: Deciduous tree, 10-20 m tall. Crown somewhat ball-like. Bark grey, rough, about 8 mm thick, with many protuberances. Blaze dull white. Branchlets robust, lenticellate. Leaves opposite, compound, odd-pinnate; leaflets opposite, 7-9, elliptic-egg-shaped, 6-10 x 4-5 cm, base unequally gradually tapering, apex acute, margin entire, leathery, hairless above, rarely slightly villous below, with distinct stalks. Flowers bisexual, in terminal and axillary trichotomous cymes, shortly stalked. Corolla wheel-shaped, about 2 x 1.5 em, white with brown center, covered with brown glands. Capsules pear-shaped, pendulous, about 5 x 3 em, woody, 90tted with rough specks, dehiscing by 2-valves. Seeds many, flat, winged.


 Phenology: Leaf fall: February to March; New foliage: March to April; Flowering: March to June;   
 Fruiting: March onwards, almost  persistent.


Medicinal uses: Roots, bark and leaves are useful in treating indigestion, skin diseases, leprosy, diarrhoea, anemia, boils, burns and rectal disorders. Bark is used to treat diseases of throat as well as poisoning. Fruits are used to treat anaemia, bleeding piles and diabetes.


Trade information: Local and regional. The bark priced at Rs.2.20/ Kg. (Kerala, 1993).


Mode of propagation: By seeds and cuttings


Special characters: Flowers covered with brown glands; woody fruits resembling pears; seeds are papery and winged.


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