Training Modules

Biodiversity and its Benefits
This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Biodiversity-the variety of lifeBiodiversity-the Indian scenario
Goods and Services from Biodiversity
Ethical values attached to Biodiversity

This module can be ideally used by:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer,
NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities and other interested individuals.

Introduction to Medicinal plants

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
What is a Medicinal plant?
Medicinal plants in the neighborhood
What is used for Medicine?
Diversity of Medicinal plants

The module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer, NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities and other interested individuals

Significance of Medicinal plants

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Medicinal plants in our daily life
Local Health Traditions
Traditional health care systems
Medicinal plants in our culture

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities, Women groups and other interested individuals

Medicinal Plants Collection

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Diversity of Medicinal plants
Plants are being collected destructively
Impact of destructive collection practices
Factors that affect the availability of Medicinal plants
Sustainable methods of harvesting medicinal plants
Cultural and social basis of sustainable harvesting

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
Medicinal plants collectors
Other interested individuals

Status of Medicinal plants and Approaches for Conservation

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Status of Medicinal plants in India
Why is this situation seen?
Conservation Approaches

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities Other interested individuals

Field Identification of Medicinal plants

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Morphological features of a plant
Importance of documenting the Field
Character Identification of Medicinal plants

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest Officer, NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities, Field Botanists and other interested individuals

Botanical Surveys

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Botanical surveys in the context of Medicinal Plants Conservation Area (MPCAs)
Techniques of surveying
Measurements and field observation

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities, other interested individuals.

Principles of Nursery Management

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
What is a Nursery
Principles of Nursery Management
Managing a nursery in the context of MPCA, MPDA & NTFP programs

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer, NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities, Nursery men, other interested individuals.

Propagation of Medicinal Plants

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Principles of plant propagation
Methods of plant propagation
Propagation Structures
Treatments to the Planting material

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities Nursery men and other interested individuals

Community Participation

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:
Local community & its involvement in MPCA management
Local Management committes
Local women in MPCA management

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer, NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities, Community groups, other interested individuals

Species Recovery Program

This module has been structured around the following subject/topics:

Species recovery-A scientific approach to saving species on verge of extinction
How to initiate Species Recovery Program
Case studies from south India
Role of the forest field staff and local communities in Species Recovery

This module can be ideally used for:
The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities Other interested individuals

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