
The Plant Protects its Protector

A Film on Conservation of Medicinal Plants (VHS Cassettes)

The Green Health campaign is a movement to create public awareness about our time tested health traditions of using common medicinal plants to achieve self-reliance in primary health care. The film explains what Green Health is about and how the Green Health Campaign involves the active participation of govt. agencies, environment and health NGO's as well as other organisations concerned with promoting public participation in Afforestation, Horticulture, Watershed development and Healthcare.

20 minutes Rs 500

Green Healer
A Film on Folk Medicine Practitioners -Nati Vaidyas (VHS Cassettes)

Over a million folk practitioners are found practically in every village throughout the length and breadth of India. Healing men (and also animals) is not generally their main profession, which will mostly be farming, masonry, pottery or even music! These epitomes of rustic and frugal simplicity are the carriers of India's folk health traditions, which have survived over thousands of years in spite of a total lack of documentation and any institutional framework to support and sustain them. Yet, today it is the largest community based health care system that is working anywhere in the world. FRLHT has been organising a series of folk practitioner's conventions in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala to provide them with a forum for exchange of knowledge and also to draw public attention to the plight of these traditions. Green Healers, shot mostly during these conventions, tries to present a pictorial account of the diversity of folk medicine knowledge and plants used by its practitioners.

19 minutes Rs 500