IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice. Medicinal Plants conservation Areas (MPCAs) are network of in-situ conservation sites across various habitats in Peninsular India. Nearly 34 MPCAs have been established across Karnataka (13), Tamilnadu (12), Kerala (9) through Danida supported Medicinal Plants Conservation Programs, since 1993. Recently, additional 21 sites have been established across peninsular India. These sites cover maximum habitat diversity and viable population of the prioritised mediicnal plants species availble in these states. These natural sites, established especially for in-situ conservation of medicinal plants, were named Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas (MPCAs). It aims to achieve the following objectives such as, 1. to conserve viable populations of prioritised native medicinal plant species in their natural habitats. 2. to conduct studies on biological and ecological aspects of medicinal platns for developing appropriate conservation approaches. 3. to sensitise and enable the local communities and resource managers to manage the MPCAs for their effective conservation 4. to design and develop strategises and mechanisms for long term conservation of medicinal plants. For more information, please refer to: FRLHT, 2006. Conservation and Adaptive Management of Medicinal Plants-A Participatory Model: Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas and Medicinal Plants Development Areas.FRLHT,Bangalore, India. What is National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB)? Medicinal Plants Development Areas (MPDAs) are Joint Forest Management (JFM) Areas, which are in the vicinity of MPCAs. These sites are taken up for sustainable production of native medicinal plants with in the productive capacity of the sites. 12 MPDAs can be seen in the project sites in Southern India through Daninda supported program on Medicinal Plants Conservation. MPDAs approach aims at conservation and development of medicinal plants along with rehabilitation of the degrated forest to benefit the participating community. It aims to achieve the following objectives such as, 1. Conservation and augumenation of native mediicnal plant resources in JFM areas and their sustainable use involving and benefiting the participating local communities 2. Making available medicinal plants to rural communities to meet their primary health care needs 3. To provide monetary return to participating rural communities from the sale of surplus medicinal plants collected from MPDA after meeting their primary health care needs 4. Conducting participatory research on sustainable harvest levels in respect of priority species. For more information, please refer to: FRLHT, 2006. Conservation and Adaptive Management of Medicinal Plants-A Participatory Model: Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas and Medicinal Plants Development Areas.FRLHT,Bangalore, India. Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical traditions in the world, with a written history of more than three thousand years and has its roots in the vedas. Ayurveda has a unique way of understanding plants. Starting from the earliest text available ie. Caraka samhita (1500 BC - 400 AD), exhaustive descriptions about plants and their medicinal uses are available. Information provided by: Dr.SN Venugopal, FRLHT (venu.gopal@frlht.org) "By purifying the mind and attaining perfection one becomes a siddha (Tamil Chittan); He is indeed fit to be called SIVA". Purification of the Body and mind is the aim of Siddha medicine. The origin of Siddha tradition in the South India in Tamil Language, including culture, is traced back to Agastya. More than 5000 yrs old in Indian history. There are 18 siddhars (All the Siddhars taught their principles along with their well experienced medicines to their disciples under Gurugulavasa.). Understanding of health and disease is explained in siddha medicine in relation to Tridoshas. Three pillars that support a structure 1).Vali or Vaatham 2).Pitham or Azhal 3).Aiyyan or kapam World view related to Panchaboothas - 1).Prithivi 2).Appu 3) Theyu 4).Vayu 5) Akaya Information provided by: Dr.SN Venugopal, FRLHT (venu.gopal@frlht.org) Unani system of Medicine owes its origin to Greece. It was the Greek philosopher - Physician Buqrat (Hippocrates) (460-377 BC) who freed Medicine from the realm of superstition and magic, and gave it the status of Science. The theoretical framework of Unani Medicine is based on the teachings of Hippocrates. After a number of other Greek Scholars enriched the system considerably. Of the Galen (131-210 AD) stands out as the one who stabilized its foundation on which Arab physicians like Rhazes (850-925 AD) and Avicenna (980-1037 AD) constructed an imposing edifice. Information provided by: Dr.SN Venugopal, FRLHT (venu.gopal@frlht.org) Medicinal Plants Conservation Parks is a network of NGOs with ex situ conservation sites for protection, propagation and utilization of medicinal plants. These are established in different ecological zones with specific objectives such as:
Local communities are actively involved. Till today, 18 MPCPs are established across Southern India. For more information, please refer to: FRLHT, 2006. Medicinal Plants Community Centre Model for Primary Health Care through Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions and Medicinal Plants Conservation. FRLHT, Bangalore, India.
(ISSC-MAP Version 1.0) Version 1.0 of the International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal For more information, please refer to : Medicinal Plant Specialist Group. 2007. International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP). Version 1.0. Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN), MPSG/SSC/IUCN, WWF Germany, and TRAFFIC, Bonn, Gland, Frankfurt, and Cambridge (BfN-Skripten 195). Please visit http://envfor.nic.in/legis/wildlife/wildlife9.html for Negative list released by Ministry of Commerce.
APPENDIX-XLIII-H What is International Year of Biodiversity? Please visit http://www.cbd.int/2010/about/ Please visit Conservation Concern page
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