Self-study material on Medicinal Plants and Vegetation monitoring activities for the front line staff of forest department
The training team at FRLHT designed and brought out 2 volumes of self-study material in Kannada covering select topics on Medicinal plants conservation for the use of the frontline staff of on the forest department. These volumes are expected to serve as reference cum post-training learning material amongst the frontline staff. Following are the volumes:
Kaadu emba kanaja (Significance of forest and medicinal plants): This volume brings together basic information on select focal topics, such as Diversity of medicinal plants, Forest types, NTFP species, threats to medicinal plants and RET species, Sustainable methods of medicinal plants collection, Need for conservation and conservation strategies including MPCAs.
Sasya parisara Adhyayana (Principles and techniques of plant identification and vegetation monitoring): This volume highlights the necessary field skills field forest personnel is expected to acquire while engaged in conservation initiative. It provides comprehensive information on: Morphological features of plants and plant identification techniques, Botanical exploration and inventorisation strategies, Herbarium and seed-raw drug collection techniques, methods of vegetation monitoring, documentation of tradition knowledge.
Training module on Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) supported by Environment Information (EI) Division, MoEF&CC, GoI with Partners in Green Skilling - Zoological Survey of India, Botanical Survey of India, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions
- Biodiversity-the variety of lifeBiodiversity-the Indian scenario
- Goods and Services from Biodiversity
- Ethical values attached to Biodiversity
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard
- Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities and other interested individuals
- What is a Medicinal plant?
- Medicinal plants in the neighborhood
- What is used for Medicine?
- Diversity of Medicinal plants
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard
- Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities and other interested individuals
- Medicinal plants in our daily life
- Local Health Traditions
- Traditional health care systems
- Medicinal plants in our culture
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard
- Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities and other interested individuals
- Diversity of Medicinal plants
- Plants are being collected destructively
- Impact of destructive collection practices
- Factors that affect the availability of Medicinal plants
- Sustainable methods of harvesting medicinal plants
- Cultural and social basis of sustainable harvesting
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Medicinal plants collectors
- Other interested individuals
- Status of Medicinal plants in India
- Why is this situation seen?
- Conservation Approaches
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Other interested individuals
- Morphological features of a plant
- Importance of documenting the Field
- Character Identification of Medicinal plants
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Field Botanists
- Other interested individuals
- Botanical surveys in the context of Medicinal Plants Conservation Area (MPCAs)
- Techniques of surveying
- Measurements and field observation
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Other interested individuals
- What is a Nursery
- Principles of Nursery Management
- Managing a nursery in the context of MPCA, MPDA & NTFP programs
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Nursery men
- Other interested individuals
- Principles of plant propagation
- Methods of plant propagation
- Propagation Structures
- Treatments to the Planting material
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Nursery men
- Other interested individuals
- Local community & its involvement in MPCA management
- Local Management committes
- Local women in MPCA management
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Community groups
- Other interested individuals
- Species recovery-A scientific approach to saving species on verge of extinction
- How to initiate Species Recovery Program
- Case studies from south India
- Role of the forest field staff and local communities in Species Recovery
- The field forest staff- Forest Guard, Forester and Range Forest officer
- NGOs and Education Institutions engaged in Conservation activities
- Other interested individuals